I have shared that the best time for me to hear God’s voice is during the early morning hours when most are asleep. That is the time I am fed, inspired and told to be bold.

I am a very private person and like to fix things I go through on my own. I’ve always been that way. I think I’m in control. That is what I thought, until I had time to realize that is not the case.

Recently, I had the opportunity to hear that small voice tell me to start writing and sharing my thoughts. I ignored this voice for quite sometime. I continued to ignore confirmations He sent by others. Until I could no longer.

Are you listening to and ignoring that small voice as well? Pushing it to the back of your mind and pressing on with your life believing you are walking in line with your goals… your purpose… what you think your plan is? Take some time to stop and really listen… it’s not your voice but His. To walk in line with the goals and purpose He has planned for your life. It’s time to be bold. It’s not about you but what He has designed for you.

